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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Custom Mother of Pearl Shell Inlay for Trapeze and Lyra

Case Studies

Custom Mother of Pearl Shell Inlay for Trapeze and Lyra

Gavin Smith

One of our custom projects that we had for a client was for a trapeze bar and a lyra to have a very unique creative look about them.

After sourcing the sustainably farmed and produced Pearl shell for the inlay, we then had to carefully laser cut and apply adhesive backing to the strips. The trapeze bar was fairly straightforward as the surfaces were flat and although round each strip laid down in a way to cover to the entire bar surface. 

For the Aerial Hoop it was a different matter of applying the strips so as to stagger the joins. A very time consuming process, but as this was to be a very amazing apparatus, it was worth the efforts and patience.

Once the pearl shell was laid on, we then applied a clear coat of resin, sanding down between each coat to provide a smooth and round feel for the performer. The surface was then coated with a very durable clear tape in the critical areas of each apparatus to provide a good grip for the artist.

Asked if we would do it again, absolutely! It's amazing to think that after all the hard work had gone into these apparatus, it gave the artist an individual style that reflected their act.