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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Case Studies

Filtering by Tag: aerial design

Aerial Rigging Designs - Puppet Master

Gavin Smith

Our incredible knowledge of rigging and aerial performance encapsulates a lifetime of dedication to distilling the heart of flying, creating breathtaking visual escapades of ethereal choreography with our signature aerial rigging style that continues to evolve along with the skills of the characters that play it, refining our focus on creating contemporary aerial artworks with traditional rigging fundamentals.

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Designing Aerial Acrobatic Hardware

Gavin Smith

Aero Motion Australia designs and fabricates custom-built aerial rigging equipment and stunt rigging hardware. All of our designs have come from the industry needs for high-performance equipment used for dynamic aerial rigging and flying stunts. We explore the fine art of aerial apparatus design and the processes involved to fabricate and test our products

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