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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

High Performance Cordage and Webbing

Products & Services

High Performance Cordage and Webbing

Gavin Smith



High performance cordage and webbing products come in many different shapes, sizes, and materials from ropes, twine, yarn, threads, and webbing products. We use high strength Technora UHMWPE synthetic fibre ropes, 4 ply cotton ropes, nylon, polypropylene, polyester ropes, nets and webbing.

How it's made

Ropes are constructed for the intended purpose and we select the material type and construction method to suit. Materials used for our products include ropes and webbing made from UHMWPE (ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) as well as high strand count and high twist cotton rope and tubular webbing. Nylon, Polypropylene and other blended fibres are also used in our production.


High performance ropes and webbing are chosen for their specific qualities. Stunt riggers and aerial riggers have unique demands when it comes to cordage and webbing selection. When a rope is required to have low elongation, be buoyant, have good splicing and handling qualities and tolerate high heat and UV conditions we select the fibre and construction type to suit. When a rope needs good abrasion resistance, and have high strength and low elongation such as for high speed running rigging on winches then there will be a rope specifically suited for those conditions. As you can appreciate not one rope will do it all.

More Info

High performance rigging demands the best in safety and performance from our products. We design, manufacture and test our products to meet or exceed all relevant engineering standards. Our specialty is creating products that our customers require and have specific qualities. 



Specifications & Options


Colour: Black or Grey

Synthetic: 12 strand UHMWPE in black and grey.

Our dope dyed black SK75 UHMWPE rope is manufactured to our highest specifications and is fit for use on film sets for stunt rigging to beautifully aesthetic aerial rigging and aerial performances.

Cotton: Diameters from 1 inch to 3 inch, special orders diameters can be made.

Construction: 4 ply high twist right hand lay rope in black or white.

Construction: Cotton tubular outer sheath with synthetic inner core



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