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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Rigging Compliance Inspections and Testing

Products & Services

Rigging Compliance Inspections and Testing

Gavin Smith


Rigging Inspections, Destruction Testing and Proof Load Testing

Compliance testing and inspection services for theatrical productions, circus, rope access and rigging equipment and systems. We are suitably qualified and insured with experience in a diverse range of industries as riggers, and technical rope access operators in heavy industry, aviation and entertainment.

We work closely with engineers and other professional service providers to conduct on site or off site rigging inspections, destructive and non-destructive testing of critical rigging equipment and systems.

Our service provides clients with opportunities to address areas of safety and mitigate the risk of equipment failure by ensuring preventative measures are taken where we identify unserviceability of rigging equipment and systems. Our knowledge extends beyond just inspections, we look beyond this scope of work and examine all facets of high risk work, performing safely at heights.



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