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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Swivels, Rings and Connectors

Products & Services

Swivels, Rings and Connectors

Gavin Smith



We stock speciality rigging hardware to custom build our own unique products. Carabiners, Rescue 8's, Swivels, Rings, and Buckles.

How It’s Made

Dropped forged fittings, stainless steel, and alloy construction ensures full rated capacity and safety factors for human flying.


Hand selected products for aerial rigging applications, stunts, physical theatre and circus.

More Info

All our rigging hardware meets and exceeds engineering standards and practices. We conduct regular destruction and non destructive testing as well as detailed quality assurance inspections on our rigging hardware and assembled products.



Specifications & Options


Carabiners: Steel or Alloy 53 kN, Triple action opening, snag free.

Swivels: Capacities from 18 kN

Rescue Figure 8's: Stainless steel or Alloy

Rings: Dropped forged steel or alloy

Buckles: Stainless steel, alloy, dropped forged




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