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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.


Products & Services


Gavin Smith



Trapeze is a traditional apparatus that can be built around your designs. We use high quality materials and ensure the highest level of safety is built in.

We have developed a unique proprietary rope capture device for our trapeze bars. The rope remains captive and secure through all the angles and rotations when your pushing your act to the edges.

How it’s Made

The Trapeze bar is constructed with tubular or solid steel or stainless steel. Our proprietary design captive rope design ensures complete safety when it comes to tricks above the bar. Durable fabrics cover the ends and high quality 4 ply cotton rope or soft synthetic rope is used.


Trapeze is a traditional apparatus often performed as a solo act, statically or dynamically. Of course the uses of our trapeze bars are unlimited, we build them to last, so whether your swinging, dancing, flying or just training up for a duo or triple trapeze swinging act, we’ve got your trapeze needs covered.

More Info

Static, Double, Dance, Swinging, Flying trapeze bars are built to custom sizes and rope lengths. Custom colours and pearl shell inlay for the bar and rope colours are available also. We can proof load test your equipment and issue a compliance certificate to ensure your WH&S obligations are met for the gig.



Specifications & Options


Bar Materials: Tubular, Solid, Steel, Stainless Steel, Timber.

Fabric: Durable Nylon, colours available.

Rope: Cotton 4 Ply, or 12 Strand Synthetic Rope, custom lengths.

Colour: Custom colours and Pearl Shell Inlay with clear resin.

Style: Static, Dance, Swinging, Flying, Doubles

Proof Load Testing


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