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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Aerial Straps

Products & Services

Aerial Straps

Gavin Smith



Aerial straps are high strength and yet supple cotton flat webbing strap that has an inner synthetic structural core. Often used for aerial performances requiring extreme durability and strength.

How it’s Made

Unique loom state tubular 2 inch cotton webbing is used as the outer cover, while synthetic flat webbing makes up the internal core to ensure complete structural integrity. All stitch patterns, threads and materials used are rated for structural compliance to engineering standards.


Aerial straps are used in pairs and can have loop terminations at the performer end for hand, foot, or head. They can be rigged to a single rigging plate with individual swivels for each strap to independently rotate. Keepers are also often used to secure the apparatus when spinning.

More Info

Our products are developed through thorough testing and evaluation, all our materials are rated for stuctural applications and we can proof load test each item where requested.



Specifications & Options


Construction: 2 inch cotton webbing with hand loops (specify size)

Rigging hardware: Rigging plate, swivels mailions, carabiners.

Colour: Limited to black or white

Length: Specify prefered length when ordering

Keepers: Webbing, "O" ring, Leather

Proof Load Testing



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