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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Aerial Love Heart

Products & Services

Aerial Love Heart

Gavin Smith



The aerial love heart is a custom design manufactured by Aero Motion Australia. It can be used for solo or duo work.

How it’s Made

Constructed from solid or tubular stainless steel or mild steel. Cotton or synthetic ropes are spliced directly to the bar and padded the same way as a trapeze.


Can be used for static or swinging acts, the ropes are similar to trapeze ropes for tricks above the bar and ropes can be cut to length.

More Info

We build our aerial apparatus with redundant safety features and engineered designs. We can proof load test each product upon request and every design we have built has been through extensive testing to destruction.



Specifications & Options


Colours: Black or other custom colours

Materials: Mild steel, stainless steel, solid or tubular

Ropes: 4 ply Cotton, covered with durable nylon and padded. Black or White, custom lengths. 




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