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Aero Motion develops, constructs, installs and tests equipment for aerial performance and art as well as consulting on projects in the field.

Products & Services

Flying Pole

Gavin Smith


We have a range of unique and custom aerial apparatus and this is one of the true originals. The earliest recorded circus act was of course in China and the bamboo pole was used to entertain audiences. 

How it’s Made

We have taken this apparatus and constructed it with reinforced brass tube or bamboo. There are a range of different materials such as tubular chrome, stainless steel, alloy or bamboo as well as sizes and lengths to suit your preferences and venue heights. We can build this apparatus with a fixed base where it can be fixed at the top to a rigging system for raising or lowering (Flying Pole) or set at a height to allow swinging or spinning.


Pole artists, and aerialists alike will find this apparatus challenging yet elegant to perform on. It is not fixed at the base, rather if is rigged from a top point to a rigging system or fixed point, where it can be suspended, and allow for vectored flight around a central point. We can also build them with top and bottom rigging points to enable cascading or connecting them together to form an apparatus that can be worked in a diverse range of narratives.

More Info

Our designs are carefully built with inherent safety features such as reinforced inner core for both brass and bamboo poles. 



Specifications & Options


Material: Brass or Bamboo

Rigging Points: Top only or both ends

Proof Load Testing




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